Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Saddest Of Days

Two years ago, my darling little cat Shelly was diagnosed with a slow growing but lethal brain tumor. On April 22nd, she died, at the all too young age of four and a half. I had thought that knowing so far in advance that she would not live to see old age, that it would be easier for me deal with it. But when the time came, it wasn't. I have not been able to stop crying over her for two days. I placed a large rock on her grave, and around this I am going to plant a ring of tiger lillies in honor of her memory. Shelly was the sweetest, most gentle and affectionate cat I have ever known, and I miss her more than I can say.
April 22nd seems to be a day for bad things where cats are concerned. When I was 12 years old, my cat Isis (named in honor of the black cat from the Star Trek episode "Assignment: Earth") was killed by a driver charging out of a long driveway at 30+ miles an hour. A few years ago, also on April 22nd, I lost an entire litter of kittens to hospital aquired distemper. Call me superstitous, but this day is beginning to feel like some evil cosmic point in time.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Spring Fever

Sorry I have'nt posted anything of late, but I have been busy getting my house in order. I met with my doctor to discuss a pain control regimen to allow me to get out and do some things outside every day, and it's working out very well. I have so far been able to start my container garden, trim my horse's feet, and I will be treating my two backyard trees for iron deficiency in a few days. Then it will be time to start mowing the lawn again. I can't tell you how nice it is to be able to walk (even if only for a few hours) without it killing me! I am very fortunate to have a doctor that is willing to listen and let me try new things.