Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Back At Last!

Well folks, I know it's been a really long time, but there have been extenuating circumstances. Along with all of the heallth problems my animals have had, I myself just got home from an extended hospital stay for a massivly bleeding duodinal ulcer. I awakened one morning wickedly nauseated, and before I could even sit down on the toilet seat to vomit into the bathtub, I collapsed unconscious onto the floor. Upon awakening, and before I could even push myself up to a sitting posistion I proceeded to vomit up the largest volume of blood I have ever seen. Once that was all done, (and believe me, it looked like something out of a horror film) I crawled, spattered in my own blood, back into my bedroom to call 911. The ambulance took me to the ER, where after some routine testing, I was promptly admitted. I can't remember too much from that first day, but I do know that my doctor seemed to be genuinely surprised that I could even stand after the blood loss I had suffered. An endoscopy confirmed the bleeding ulcer, and after 2 units of blood, alot of rest, IV fluids, medications and virtually nothing to eat for two and a half days, I began to improve. I am now home sweet home, and on the mend. My cat Stinky aparently thought I was never coming home again.............she dug herself in behind the drawers of my bathroom sink counter, and refused to come out even to eat (so says my sister, who was taking care of her in my absence). Now that I'm back, she clings to my side like a puppy. If I leave the room for any reason, she stands at the door and cries. Poor kitty! She was just like this when Shelly, her very best friend in the world, died. I thought only dogs suffered loss this acutely. As much as I adore cats, I obviously have not given them enough credit.

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