Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Holy Wars

O.K. folks......here is the philosophical question of the week.
When are the mainstream religions of the world going to realize how much they have in common and stop fighting with each other? Doesn't religion teach us to love and accept our fellow man? In my personal opinion, there is nothing holy about war of any kind, but it manages to get justified for religious reasons over and over again. Can anyone make sense of this?


  1. Ever since the religions (the 3 major ones that is...) have been founded, more blood was shed in religious battles than for any other clash. It's always been :"My religion can beat your religion" or "My God will beat your god".

    In the core it was a call to peace and decency for all humans, but in the hands of the imperfect humans, sadly enough religions themselves have become another reason to kill. Can anyone truly tell me the difference between the bloodthirsty 9 militia caught in Michigan this week or Tim McVeigh and the minions of Bin Laden??? Truly sad.

  2. Ideology combined with fanaticism has always generated enough violence to insure that we have had religious wars since the beginning of recorded time.

    If the belief in a supreme being is basically a matter of faith, then by nature it is irrational (this is not necessarily a negative thing), therefore how can we expect the adherents to act in a rational manner?

  3. ...we need both. we need what we have in common just as much as we have a need for differences. life always seems to happen in between.

    Ruggo, there does seem to be only 'rational' and 'irational', which is defiently not enough. We miss the a-rational, the just-not-rational-but-not-irrational-part ;)
